How To Clean Airpods Speaker Mesh – All Airpods (Ultimate Guides 2023)

As an individual who utilizes AirPods, one comprehends the importance of keeping one’s earbuds in pristine condition for optimal audio performance. However, the speaker grille may become obstructed with residue, such as soil, grime, and earwax, which can cause issues with the quality of the auditory experience. Consequently, we have formulated an exhaustive guide on the procedures necessary to clean the AirPods speaker grille.

Don’t worry if you’ve never cleaned your AirPods before – we’ll take you through the process step-by-step on How To Clean Airpods Speaker Mesh. You’ll need a soft-bristled toothbrush, some water, and patience. Following our instructions, you can remove debris from the speaker mesh and restore your AirPods’ audio quality to like-new condition.

So, whether you’re a music lover, podcast enthusiast, or frequent conference call participant, you’ll want to ensure that your AirPods work at their best. Let’s get started on cleaning that speaker mesh!

What do you need to clean the AirPods speaker mesh?

How To Clean Airpods Speaker Mesh

Before we dive into the step-by-step process of cleaning AirPods speaker mesh, let’s take a look at the tools you’ll need:

  • A soft-bristled toothbrush
  • A microfiber cloth
  • Rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl)
  • A clean and dry toothpick

How to clean airpods speaker mesh?

How To Clean Airpods Speaker Mesh

Now that you have all the tools ready proceed to the step-by-step process of cleaning the AirPods speaker mesh.

Remove debris with a toothbrush:

When cleaning the speaker mesh on your AirPods, a soft-bristled toothbrush is your best friend. Using a toothbrush is a safe and effective way to remove any debris accumulated on the speaker mesh without damaging the delicate components of your AirPods. Dampen the toothbrush’s bristles with a bit of water, then gently brush the speaker mesh in a circular motion.

Take your time and pay close attention to areas where debris may be more stubborn. You can also utilise a toothpick or the back of a small, soft-bristled brush to dislodge any particles stuck in the mesh carefully.

It’s important to note that you should never use a harsh cleaning solution or abrasive tool to clean your AirPods, as this can cause damage to the device. Stick with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a bit of water, and your AirPods will thank you!

Clean the mesh with rubbing alcohol:

While a toothbrush can effectively remove debris from the speaker mesh on your AirPods, you may need extra cleaning power. That’s where rubbing alcohol comes in handy! Rubbing alcohol is a safe and effective way to clean the speaker mesh and sanitize your AirPods.

To clean the mesh with rubbing alcohol, dampen a soft-bristled toothbrush with a small amount of rubbing alcohol. Gently brush the speaker mesh in a circular motion, careful not to apply too much pressure. You can also use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean any hard-to-reach areas.

After applying a solution of isopropyl alcohol to sanitize your AirPods, it is imperative to allow them to dry out naturally for a minimum of 30 minutes before reusing them. It is crucial to avoid submerging your AirPods in liquid as this may result in damage. It would be best to exercise caution when using any cleaning agent around the charging port or other apertures.

With a bit of rubbing alcohol and a soft-bristled toothbrush, you can keep your AirPods looking and sounding like new!

Clean hard-to-reach areas with a toothpick:

Cleaning the speaker mesh on your AirPods can be challenging, especially in hard-to-reach areas. But with a simple toothpick, you can easily remove any stubborn debris accumulated in those tight spaces.

To clean hard-to-reach areas with a toothpick, dampen the tip with water or rubbing alcohol. Then, carefully insert the toothpick into the crevices around the speaker mesh, gently loosening any debris that may be stuck.

It would be best if you handled your AirPods delicately and with great care and meticulousness to avoid accidental damage to any of their intricate components. Suppose you encounter any resistance or cannot dislodge any debris. In that case, you must desist from further action and instead endeavour to use a soft-bristled toothbrush or a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Cleaning those hard-to-reach areas with a toothpick ensures that your AirPods are free of any debris affecting their audio quality. So don’t be afraid to get in there and clean up those tough spots!

Let it dry:

After you have cleaned the speaker mesh on your AirPods, it’s important to let them dry completely before using them again. Allowing your AirPods to air dry is the best way to ensure they are completely dry and ready for use.

When seeking to dry your AirPods, it is imperative that you carefully select a clean and arid surface for placement. Following this, one must exercise caution regarding proximity to any sources of dampness or thermal intensity, such as direct exposure to solar radiation or an environment with high humidity. It is advised that a minimum of half an hour be allocated to this drying process.

It’s important to note that you should never use a hairdryer or any other heat source to dry your AirPods, as this can cause damage to the delicate components of the device. Let them air dry independently, and you’ll be good to go!

By letting your AirPods dry after cleaning, you can ensure they are moisture-free and ready for use. So be patient and let them air dry naturally, and you’ll be able to enjoy your clean and fresh AirPods in no time!

Tips to keep AirPods speaker mesh clean:

How To Clean Airpods Speaker Mesh

AirPods are a popular and convenient way to enjoy wireless audio on the go, but the speaker mesh on these devices can easily accumulate dirt, debris, and earwax. Here are some tips to help you keep your AirPods speaker mesh clean and free of any buildup:

Clean regularly:

Regularly clean your AirPods speaker mesh, ideally once a week, to prevent buildup from becoming too difficult to remove.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush:

A soft-bristled toothbrush is an excellent tool for removing debris from the speaker mesh. Gently brush the mesh with the toothbrush, not applying too much pressure.

Rubbing alcohol:

Rubbing alcohol is an effective cleaner for removing stubborn buildup from the speaker mesh. Dip a cotton swab or toothbrush in rubbing alcohol and use it to clean the mesh gently.

Be gentle:

AirPods are delicate devices, so it’s important to be gentle when cleaning them. Avoid using too much force or pushing too hard on the speaker mesh.

Let them dry:

After completing the arduous task of cleansing the intricate mesh which serves as the acoustic gateway to your AirPods, it is crucial to allow them to undergo a process of complete air-drying before resuming their use. It is paramount to abstain from employing any expedited drying methods, such as utilizing a hair dryer or any other equipment that emanates heat, as these actions can result in undesirable harm to the device in question.

Things You Shouldn’t Use to Clean Your AirPods:

How To Clean Airpods Speaker Mesh

Cleaning your AirPods is straightforward, but you must be careful with your cleaning tools. Various items, such as cloth, cotton balls, Q-tips, toothpicks, toothbrushes, Blu-tack, moisture, and even isopropyl alcohol, are all suitable for cleaning your AirPods.

However, it is vital to note that compressed air should never be used to clean your AirPods. The speaker mesh and charging port are particularly vulnerable to damage from high-velocity air. Apple strongly advises against using compressed air to clean any of its products.

Similarly, harsh cleaning agents like bleach may restore your AirPods’ snowy-white appearance but can cause plastic damage. These chemicals also leave residue on surfaces, and it is not advisable to put bleach in your ear.

Finally, even if you own the water-resistant AirPods Pro, avoid submerging your AirPods in water. Since the AirPods are always on when you remove them from their case, even an accidental dunk can lead to disastrous results for your AirPods.

Things About Keeping Your AirPods Clean:

Regular maintenance of AirPods can reduce the effort required for their upkeep by averting the accumulation of grime. It is far more arduous to remove a year’s worth of filth from the earbuds and to charge the case than to give them a swift and efficient cleansing every month. For those who frequently use their AirPods or utilize them during physical exercise, it may be prudent to perform such maintenance more frequently.

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In conclusion, cleaning the speaker mesh on your AirPods is an essential task that should be considered. With regular use, the mesh can accumulate dirt, earwax, and other debris that can impair the sound quality of your AirPods. Fortunately, cleaning the mesh is a simple and easy process that can be done at home using everyday household items.

Remove any visible debris with a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush to clean the speaker mesh. Next, dampen a microfiber cloth with a small amount of isopropyl alcohol and gently wipe the mesh. Be sure to avoid getting any liquid inside the AirPods themselves.

Your AirPods can provide high-quality sound for years with proper care and maintenance. So, take the time to clean your speaker mesh regularly, and enjoy your music and podcasts with crystal-clear clarity.


Case, why do I need to clean my AirPods speaker mesh?

Over time, the speaker meshes on your AirPods can accumulate dirt, dust, and earwax, which can affect the sound quality and reduce the volume of your AirPods. Cleaning your AirPods speaker mesh regularly can help keep them in top condition.

What tools do I need to clean my AirPods speaker mesh?

You’ll need a soft-bristled brush, a microfiber cloth, and some rubbing alcohol.

How do I clean my AirPods speaker mesh? A: Here are the steps to follow:

1. Remove your AirPods from their case and turn them off.
2. Gently brush the speaker mesh with the soft-bristled brush to remove any visible dirt or debris.
3. Dampen the microfiber cloth with a small amount of rubbing alcohol.
4. Gently wipe the speaker mesh with the damp cloth, careful not to apply too much pressure.
5. Let the AirPods dry completely before returning or using them in their case.

Is it safe to use rubbing alcohol to clean my AirPods speaker mesh?

Yes, rubbing alcohol is safe to use on the speaker mesh of your AirPods. However, you should avoid getting any liquid inside the charging port or other openings.

How often should I clean my AirPods speaker mesh?

It’s a good idea to clean your AirPods speaker mesh every few weeks, especially if you use them regularly.

What should I do if my AirPods speaker mesh is damaged?

Contact Apple support for repair or replacement options if your AirPods speaker mesh is damaged or torn.

These FAQs have been helpful for you in cleaning your AirPods speaker mesh!

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